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Finally! A Gadget to Keep Apple Earbuds In!
Are you always having trouble trying to keep your Apple earbuds in? Always moving them around, putting them in different position just to get them to stay put! Well then you have to check out this new company that created a user friendly gadget to keep those annoying earbuds in!
by Vikas Dayal • August 23, 2013
Are you always having trouble trying to keep your Apple earbuds in? Always moving them around, putting them in different position just to get them to stay put! Well then you have to check out this new company that created a user friendly gadget to keep those annoying earbuds in!
OHM Design has come up withe the Sprngclip, a little attachment you slip on to your Apple earbuds to keep them in place.
What do you think of this design? Does this make running or working out with earbuds a little easier? Let us know on our Facebook or Tweet at us @cablesdotcom.