Cables Blog
Reasons to Hire a Certified Cable Installer
Installing or upgrading a new cabling system for your network is a complex undertaking. Consider these reasons to hire a certified cable installer.
by VIKAS DAYAL • March 24, 2020
Integrator, Datacomm Cables, Data Center, Cat5e / Cat6 Cables,, Reseller, VAR

National and international standards govern cabling infrastructure for many types of buildings, businesses, and organizations. Depending on the size of your network and the nature of your network infrastructure, standards may dictate how many outlets you must have, what types of switches and connectors you must use, and even what kind of cables you’re allowed to use for different applications. Keeping track of the recommendations and requirements can be a daunting task, which is one of the best reasons to hire a certified cable installer.
Types of Certification
Network cable installers undergo specialized training through one of several available course programs. These include CNet’s program, which results in the Certified Network Cable Installer certification, and the Building Industry Consulting Service International Information Communications Technology certification courses, which various training organizations offer. Also available are Infotec’s certifications for Certified Fiber-Optics Installer, Certified Fiber-Optics Technician, Certified Fiber-Optics Designer, and Data Cabling Installer. Even people who hold degrees in computer science or who have experience in programming can benefit from training in the specifics of designing and installing network cabling infrastructure.
Reasons to Hire a Certified Cable Installer
Many cabling companies that employ certified installers offer benefits that aren’t available for do-it-yourself installations or for cabling installations performed by workers without certifications. These benefits may include the following:
Companies using certified installers are likely to offer warranties on the installation for a number of years–as many as 25–to ensure your system is viable and “future-proofed,” meaning it will meet current and future industry standards.
Faster installation with fewer errors
Certified installers know what they’re doing, and this saves you time and reduces the number of mistakes. Certified installers know how to correctly pair connectors with cables, the differences between cat5e, cat6 and fiber-optic cables, and which of these network cable options is best for your system.
Up-to-date installation
Certified installers stay on top of industry trends, and they’re among the first to know of any new methods of installing and connecting cabling systems. A certified installer will understand how changes in terminations or upgrades in cabling capabilities may affect or improve your network cabling setup.
These are just a few good reasons to hire a certified cable installer. can supply various kinds of cabling for your network infrastructure needs.